Calpurnia Canadian Sphynx Cattery

Where beauty meets integrity
Lady wrinkle of the house  

SPH n  
DoB 10.7.2023
Blood group A 

HEALTH TESTS: Mandatory 
♡ 2/2025 HCM scan normal
♡ 6/2024 HCM scan normal 

HEALTH TESTS: Voluntary 
♡ HCM DNA, ALMS1 negative
✔ 6/2024 PKD scan normal
✔ 6/2024 FIV - Feline Immunodeficiency Virus negative
✔ 6/2024 FeLV - Feline Leukemia Virus negative 
✔ 1/2024 Giardia negative 
✔ 1/2024 FHV - Feline herpesvirus negative 
✔ 1/2024 FCV - Feline calicivirus negative 
✔ 1/2024 Mycoplasma felis negative 
✔ 1/2024 Cryptosporidium negative 
✔ 1/2024 Chlamydophila felis negative 
✔ 1/2024 Tritrichomonas foetus negative 
✔ 1/2024 Bordetella bronchiseptica negative 
✔ 1/2024 Parvovirus negative 
✔ 1/2024 Salmonella negative 

✔ 2/2024 Dermatophytosis negative: 
• M. gypseum 
• Microsporum canis 
• T. mentagrophytes 
• Trichophyton verrucosum


Fun facts of Cleo

♡ Best friend is Myrtti
♡ Always has something to say
♡ Loves sunbathing
♡ Her favourite food is tuna
♡ Loves to snuggle with her humans on the sofa




Sukusiitosaste 5 sukupolvessa 3,51 %
Sukukatokerroin 5 sukupolvessa 79,03 % 
COI - Coefficient of inbreeding 3,51 % in 5th generation
AVK - Ancestor loss coefficient 79,03 % in 5th generation


FIFe  –  Fédération Internationale Féline 
Suomen Kissaliitto ry  –  The Finnish Cat Association
Suomen Rotukissayhdistys ry  – Finnish Pedigree Cat Association
Sfinxit ry  –  Canadian sphynx club of Finland
